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        1 - Image Processing of steel sheets for Defect Detection by using Gabor Wavelet
        masoud shafiee mostafa sadeghi
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process More
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process. QC of steel sheet for promotion of product quality and maintaining the competitive market is of great importance. In this paper, in addition to quick review of image process techniques used, using image process by means of Gabor wavelet, a fast and precise solution for detection of texture defects in steel sheet is presented. In first step, the approach extracts considerable texture specification from image by using Gabor wavelet. The specification includes both different directions and different frequencies. Then using statistical methods, images are selected that have more obvious defects, and location of defects is determined. Offering the experimental samples, the accuracy and speed of the method is indicated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Outdoor Color Scene Segmentation towards Object Detection using Dual-Resolution Histograms
        javad rasti monadjemi monadjemi abbas vafaei
        One of the most important problems in automatic outdoor scene analysis is the approach of segmentation towards object detection. The special characteristics of such images -like color variety, different luminance effects and color shades, abundant texture details, and d More
        One of the most important problems in automatic outdoor scene analysis is the approach of segmentation towards object detection. The special characteristics of such images -like color variety, different luminance effects and color shades, abundant texture details, and diversity of objects- lead to major challenges in the segmentation process. In the previous research, we proposed a k-means clustering algorithm in a multi-resolution platform for preliminary color segmentation. In this method, the texture details are deliberately expunged and apparent clusters are gradually removed in the blurred versions of the image to let more detailed classes expose in the more clarified versions. The performance of this step-by-step approach is relatively higher than the traditional k-means in color clustering for outdoor scene segmentation. In this paper, an adaptive method based on the circular hue histogram in a dual-resolution platform is suggested to detect the apparent clusters in the blurred images. Experimental results on two outdoor datasets show about 20% decrease in the pixel segmentation error as well as around 30% increase in both precision and speed in the convergence of the clustering algorithm. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Door detection based on car vision in outdoor scenes
        abbas vafaei Mehdi Talebi monadjemi monadjemi
        Doors are an important sign for blind people and robots to enter and leave the building. Detection of doors in outdoor environments has become one of the most difficult issues in computer vision; Because usually in outdoor doors, the features of a simple door such as ha More
        Doors are an important sign for blind people and robots to enter and leave the building. Detection of doors in outdoor environments has become one of the most difficult issues in computer vision; Because usually in outdoor doors, the features of a simple door such as handles, corners and empty space between the door and the floor are not obvious. In this article, a method for detecting doors in outdoor environments is presented. After extracting the lines and removing the extra lines, the area between the vertical lines is formed and the characteristics of each area including height, width, location, color, texture and number of lines inside the area are extracted. Additional knowledge such as the presence of the door at the bottom of the image, the reasonable height and width of the door, and the difference in color and texture of the door with the surrounding area are then used to determine the presence of the door. This method has been tested on our eTRIMS image collection and our image collection, including doors of houses, apartments and shops, and the presented results show the superiority of the proposed method over the previous methods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The aware genetic algorithm of the best member, applied to graph coloring and metric-dimension of the graph problems
        mahmood amintoosi Hashem Ezzati
        Genetic algorithm is one of the most famous methods for solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. It had various applications in different field of studies such as Electronics, Computer Science and Mathematics and still has. In this algorithm, the population members More
        Genetic algorithm is one of the most famous methods for solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. It had various applications in different field of studies such as Electronics, Computer Science and Mathematics and still has. In this algorithm, the population members which contribute for producing the next generation are selected according to their fitness values. The combination of the members is through Crossover Operator; And in some versions a few of the best members migrate to the next generation directly. Normally, the weak members of population may participate to the next generation. In this study, the combination operators are aware of the best member of generation; Only those child which are as good as the best member, are allowed to form the next generation. The proposed method is applied on graph coloring and finding metric-dimension of graph problems. The results are compared with the common genetic algorithm. Experimental results shows the superior performance of the proposed method in comparison to common genetic algorithm. Manuscript profile